Report for Village Magazine – 8th July 2024

Report of the Parish Council Meeting 8th July 2024
The meeting was chaired by Cllr Watson who welcomed Cllr Harrison- Jones to his first meeting as a newly co-opted Councillor.

Residents from properties along the B4069 attended the meeting to request the support of the PC in applying for a footpath to facilitate access to the village. The increase in traffic, high speed of vehicles and a lack of a safe pedestrian route means that they are no longer able to walk safely into the village and now have to use their cars if they wish to attend village events. As this was an agenda item Cllrs resolved to put forward a request to the Local Highway and Footpath improvement Group (LHFIG) and to further
explore the requirements for a footpath between Nursery Cottages and Sutton Road.

Cllr Sealy led a discussion about the maintenance of footpaths and rights of way in the village. It is the landowners’ responsibility to keep the footpaths clear and they are usually responsive to requests to clear obstacles. The PC is very grateful to the volunteers who work to improve access on an ad hoc basis. It is suggested that a more organised approach would be achieved if a working party is organised to meet 3 or 4 times a year to strim pathways and clear ditches. Please contact Cllr Sealy if you would be interested in joining such a group.

Cllr Armor reported that he has had positive discussions with Black Nova about hosting the new website. Councillors expressed their thanks to Cllr Armor and the young resident who will design the website.

The date of the next meeting: 12th August 7.30pm